Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Enjoying My Last Month of Freedom!

Pretty in Scrubs :-)

I’m still here!!!! I wish I had a better reason for not keeping up with my weekly posts, especially with all the free time that I’ve had this summer, but honestly I’ve just been relaxing and enjoying doing as little as possible. Now if you know me, then you know that I’m not one to sit around and relax for long periods of time, but I can say that I am more rested than ever. Normally without distractions I could probably sleep well into the afternoon, but I think I’ve finally had my fill of sleep. I woke up at 8am this morning, and after about an hour of tossing and turning, I just had to get up. Fortunately, the little one will be returning home this weekend, so I look forward to having early morning fun with her until school starts in a few weeks. It will probably take me a week to break her out of a cycle of wanting to sleep in since I know my parents are letting her stay up as late as she wants, so waking up early will definitely be an advantage on my end. I actually miss my little love though, and it will be nice to get in a few weeks of heavy bonding before we both get back to our normal, busy schedules.

On a more interesting note, this week I am spending my free time physician shadowing. One of my favorite places to be is the operating room, and I am extremely fortunate to have been connected with an anesthesiologist who doesn’t mind me tagging along. The benefit of shadowing anesthesiologists is that if you’re interested in surgery (like I am), then you aren’t limited to just one type. It allows you to get exposure to many different types of surgical subspecialties and you even get to meet and network with different surgeons. During my first year of medical school, we focused a lot on the “bugs and drugs” of medicine, and anesthesia really is a combination of everything I’ve learned so far in medical school. I was amazed at how much information I retained when I was asked questions yesterday about the purpose of different drugs and procedures. It also showed me how much information I didn’t retain as well as I should have, so I will gladly be reading up on everything today so that I can be better prepared for any questions that might pop up tomorrow when I return. I can’t wait until I start my rotations next year, because the hospital really is my happy place :-)

But anyway, this post was just to let everyone know that I am still alive and well. It’s amazing how much I would rather type up a post when I am completely swamped than when I have what feels like all the time in the world. Blogging is my stress-relief though, so I guess if I’m not posting, it’s a sign that I’m relaxing, LOL. I hope everyone reading this is enjoying their summer. Until next time!  


  1. I am considering surgery also (maybe), did you find your anesthesia contact through your school resources or have you found your own.

    What kind of surgery have you found to be the most interesting so far?

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your break.

    1. Oddly enough, I found my contact through social media, but I also utilize the AOA databases and look at professors at other schools when I am looking for contacts.

      So far, I love all surgery!!!!! Most interesting would be plastics which I shadowed heavily in as a pre-med, but every time I'm in the OR I fall in love, LOL.

      Hope you're enjoying your summer and thank you for reading.


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